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Pot stand

Juniper grow all over the Nordic countries. Often bushes, but can grow up to 10 metre tall trees. Juniper is a strong and flexible wood with great resistance. Traditionally juniper has been used in fine arts and everything between fish hooks and fence poles. The juniper berries are often used for spices and flavourings. 

Juniper wood naturally contains oil, but to preserve its beauty and prevent it from drying out we recommend polishing it with wood oil before first use and when you sense it is too dry - every few months or so. 

Diameter: 18 cm

Wood type: juniper and grey adler

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Pot stand

Juniper grow all over the Nordic countries. Often bushes, but can grow up to 10 metre tall trees. Juniper is a strong and flexible wood with great resistance. Traditionally juniper has been used in fine arts and everything between fish hooks and fence poles. The juniper berries are often used for spices and flavourings. 

Juniper wood naturally contains oil, but to preserve its beauty and prevent it from drying out we recommend polishing it with wood oil before first use and when you sense it is too dry - every few months or so. 

Diameter: 18 cm

Wood type: juniper and grey adler

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